Wednesday 15 February 2012

Offering - Paul Baloche

Absolutely amazed by this song. God ministers to me through it every time. The first line itself is so profound: "The sun cannot compare to the Glory of Your Love, there is no shadow in Your Presence" Physically, sun rays can be blocked by objects and there will be shadows here and there where the rays are absent. But spiritually, God's presence forms no shadows. His Love is for everyone and it is so great that His presence penetrates through even the hardest of hearts when we allow God to minister to us.

Don't be fooled! "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy" John 10:10. Sigh. Some people really need to open their eyes to see how much the thief is stealing from them at this very moment. Open your own eyes instead of trying to open others'. You have already lost SO much, stop letting yourself being robbed unnecessarily! Letting Go and Giving In Parents: Of course. Its hard. But when the time comes, you have to let your children go. Holding them down will only fog up your relationship with them. You love them, that is for sure, but the fog will fog your love, your children will not see it. Show your love by giving them a shot at life. Give them a shot. Children: Your parents love you tremendously, its in their nature/blood to do so. You are more important to them than anything in the world. Pound this in your heart and remember this in your mind. So, be matured and responsible. Follow the Lord closely. Remain in Him. Read your Bible. Go to church. Work/Study hard. Call your parents regularly. Tell them everything. DO NOT LIE TO THEM. Be financially stable, have monthly savings. Build strong friendships that will in turn build you up. DO NOT BREAK THE LAW. Be sensible. Be SAFE.
"Your heavenly father know you have need of all these things"

"All I desire is You, LORD". Because "there is no higher calling, no greater honour than to bow and kneel before Your throne"
The prayer of Jabez: "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil" 2 Chronicles 4:9-10.
The selfish part is thinking in this manner: With God, my cup will always be full and overflowing. His Joy is my strength through thick and thin. His everlasting love inspires me to go the distance. I can rest assure that my whole future is in His hands. I do not need to worry at all about money and wealth, because God's grace is more than enough for me. etc.
The 'best thing I could ever wish for part' is simply knowing with conviction and humility that without God I am nothing. Take God away from all the above, and you will see that without God I am really nothing.
This song by Richard Gomez goes:
"O Lord, my God,
All I desire is You.
More precious than silver,
more costly than gold.
No riches of the earth compares to You.
What can this world offer when all I desire is You?"
You see friends, when God blesses, he blesses you with the best. And by 'best' I mean literally the BEST. People usually do not understand and know what actually is the BEST for their lifes, but God does, and believe me you will not be dissapointed! =D
