Wednesday 15 February 2012

"Your heavenly father know you have need of all these things"

"All I desire is You, LORD". Because "there is no higher calling, no greater honour than to bow and kneel before Your throne"
The prayer of Jabez: "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil" 2 Chronicles 4:9-10.
The selfish part is thinking in this manner: With God, my cup will always be full and overflowing. His Joy is my strength through thick and thin. His everlasting love inspires me to go the distance. I can rest assure that my whole future is in His hands. I do not need to worry at all about money and wealth, because God's grace is more than enough for me. etc.
The 'best thing I could ever wish for part' is simply knowing with conviction and humility that without God I am nothing. Take God away from all the above, and you will see that without God I am really nothing.
This song by Richard Gomez goes:
"O Lord, my God,
All I desire is You.
More precious than silver,
more costly than gold.
No riches of the earth compares to You.
What can this world offer when all I desire is You?"
You see friends, when God blesses, he blesses you with the best. And by 'best' I mean literally the BEST. People usually do not understand and know what actually is the BEST for their lifes, but God does, and believe me you will not be dissapointed! =D



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    1. Hope you enjoy worshiping the Lord just as i do. May the Peace of the Lord be with you always!
