Thursday 5 March 2020

A Candle !!!

A Candle !!! 

One evening a man took a small candle from a box and began to climb a long winding stairway. "Where are we going?" asked the candle. "We're going up higher than a house to show the ships the 
way to the harbor."

"But no ship in the harbor could ever see my light," the candle said. "It is so very small." "If your light is small," 
the man said "just keep on burning brightly and leave the rest to me."

When they reached the top of the 
long stairs, they came to a large lamp. 
Then he took the little candle and lit 
the lamp. Soon the large polished mirrors behind the lamp sent beams of fight 
out across the miles of sea.

We are God's candle. Our job is to keep on shining. The success of our work is 
in His hands. A tiny candle or match 
can start a forest fire.

The little flame of your good example can actually change the lives of others without you knowing it.

Be a light to them like the beacon light in the story which guided the ships 
to safe harbor.

Author Unknown

May The Lord Continue 
 To  Richly Bless You  For The
 Sake Of His Kingdom & His Glory 

Listen to the beautiful audio attachment
"Go Light Your World"


The Story Of Pearls !!!

The Story Of
Pearls !!! 
Pearls are a product of pain.
 When a grain of sand pierces
 the shell of an oyster, all the otherwise dormant resources within the tiny oyster respond 
to the foreign irritant by caring for that sensitive spot. Over time, the sand particle is covered by healing fluids, and the wound becomes a pearl.

That’s true for you, too.
 When hardships invade your life, allow God’s Spirit to shape your response. Don’t be bitter.
Don’t rush ahead of His plan.
Rest in Him. Allow Him time 
to turn that irritation into an opportunity for your growth –
and watch a beautiful pearl
 emerge from your set of circumstances.

When you flee temptation, 
be sure you don’t leave a forwarding address.

Author Unknown

My brethren, count it all joy
when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
 James 1:2-4

  May God Bless You, Your Family, 
& Your Friends the Way He Has Blessed Us.

Listen to the beautiful audio attachment
"The Potters Hand"