Wednesday 4 March 2020

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Sacrificing An
Olympic Dream!!!

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Kathy Poe and Esther Kim were best friends. They were also competing to represent the US in taekwondo at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Working through separate sides of the draw they both made it to the final of the Olympic trials. Whichever
 of them won would go 
to the Games.

 Poe however dislocated her
 knee  in the previous match and couldn’t compete. Then came 
an incredible act  of friendship. Knowing her friend’s knee would be healed by the Games Esther Kim 
forfeited  the match and her 
spot on the Olympic team.

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“You will have the gold medal around your neck and I feel 
inside  I have a gold medal 
in my heart,” she said. 
“There are other ways 
to be a champion. A real 
martial artist is a champion everyday
 in life, too.”

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May God Bless You,
 Your Family, & Your Friends 
the Way He Has Blessed Us.

Listen to the beautiful audio attachment
"He Sees My Heart"

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Attachments area

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