Wednesday 4 March 2020

Left Out

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Left Out!!! 
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A public sinner 
was excommunicated and 
forbidden entry to the church. 
He took his woes to God.
 “They won’t let me in, Lord,
because I am a sinner.”

“What are you complaining about?” said God.
“They won’t let Me
 in either.”

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We can, as Christians, get narrow
and closed-minded, petty, bitter
 and exclusive. We can become 
more holy than God where
 perfection becomes the 
enemy of the good.

But we can also go long and 
deep, broad, expansive
 and inclusive!

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  May God Bless You, Your Family, 
& Your Friends the Way He Has Blessed Us.

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Listen to the beautiful audio attachment
"He Looked Beyond My Fault"

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